Youth Exchange: “Actively and healthily”

EDRASE is a partner along with Środowiskowo Lekarskie Wodne Ochotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe w Radomiu to a KA105 project  called Actively and healthily( 2019-2-PL01-KA105-066213). It is a Youth Exchange that will  take place in Poronin, Poland from 8 September till 14 September 2021.



The main topic of the project is about healthy eating habits, living a healthy lifestyle, taking regular exercises, also trying winter sports, avoiding obesity etc. A group of teenagers (10 people) aged 13-20  and two leaders aged 18+ from Halki will cooperate with Polish youth and 16 from Poland + 2 leaders  in fulfilling their common desire – meeting to promote an active and healthy lifestyle in outdoor and sports fields.

This activity results from the needs of two groups of young people struggling with health problems, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity and access to various forms of playing sports due to geographical obstacles and difficult economic situation in the region, family. Young people want to develop their skills related to health awareness, learn about the benefits of outdoor activities, especially in winter, when adolescent activity decreases. Participants from Greece would like to know the benefits of winter sports, such as skiing, ice skating, which is difficult for them due to their geographical location. Youth depends on developing motor skills. During the meeting, participants will jointly reflect on ways to implement appropriate health prevention activities to improve youth eating habits and develop active and sporting lifestyle habits. The youth agreed that during the week of joint meeting in Poland, they will increase their awareness of the importance of sport, healthy food and ecological awareness.


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