Project closing meeting

DISK – Digital Immigrants Survival Kit

The final meeting of the DISK project tool place from 28-29/4/2022 in Porto, Portugal. Participants of this meeting were: Pedro Ferreira, and Sofia Pais (UoP); Peter Mazohl and Katia Østlie (EFQBL); Kylene De Angelis, Pietro Costantini and Sara Caboni (Training 2000); Nikolaos Tzimopoulos, Maria Iosifidou (EDRASE); Ebba Ossiannilsson (QOOL)

The first thing that was discussed was a project extension. Due to external circumstances, the Multiplier event in Porto, scheduled to be held on the 29th of April, needed to be rescheduled and a request was made to the national agency regarding postponing the end date of the project. The national agency agreed to an extension of 2 months. Having this in mind, the team went to consider open issues with IOs, namely IO4 and IO5.


It was decided that teams were responsible to make sure all documents and files and manifest to be included asap (deadline 8 of may) in the IO4 module folders for translation to make sure all translations of modules could be concluded.

regarding the format of the manifest it was agreed that it should  include: list and description of materials; instructions and hints for trainers; guide of how to use mandalas; instructions regarding translation (address translation difficulties for things like videos) and the transformation/adaptation of modules.


deadline: end of may. It was decided that the transferability guide should include: a description about what is necessary to implement the courses – moodle versions and settings, etc. – and, in point 5, something like: i) general pedagogical approach; ii) lessons learned and tips for and from trainers; iii) relevant feedback from users.

It was also discussed the possibility of including elements coming from (informal) interviews with trainers.

Then, all other open issues were discussed Open issues with other IOs were discussed. In regards to IO1 the team talked about the possibility of working with mandalas to create a mind map like element that could be put as web/interactive element. About IO2 it became clear that course content with competence description should be finalised following an homogeneous model (like the one from the competence map. Finally, regarding IO3, it will be necessary to create badges.

Another issue discussed during the meeting was the project dissemination. Besides agreeing to a new newsletter to be sent in June, the team was encouraged to fill in the excel file where dissemination activities are reported.

All other remaining meetings of the steering committee were scheduled to take place virtually and should start focusing on reporting issues and tasks.

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